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Abby wins Independent Consultant of the Year - Labyrinth Marketing
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Abby wins Independent Consultant of the Year

The global award for Independent Consultant of the Year was awarded to our Founder and Director, Abby Dixon at the Women in Marketing Awards 2019.

The awards event took place on Wednesday 13th November, where over 100 successful, talented and inspirational marketers came together to celebrate the achievements of women in our field.

WIM Awards 2019

Women in Marketing awards was created by Ade Onilude almost 10 years ago with the mission to recognise the economic, social influence and impact of women in business. Independent Consultant of the year was one of 13 categories at this year’s prestigious event.


Abby wins Independent Consultant of the Year

Upon presenting the award, the evening’s host, Tamara Gillan of Cherry London commented “Abigail has a great ethos of giving back through mentoring, coaching and I love what people say about her. She’s can do, she’s positive, she does things with an open heart and so we are thrilled to be able to recognise Abigail tonight. And the other thing we like… she likes measurement!”

Abby says “I’m truly honoured to be recognised by Women In Marketing and alongside some truly amazing and inspiring female Marketers, who have not only delivered greatness professionally but have strived to change the way in which we work. It was great to be part of this special event that recognises marketers’ contributions to the growth to their own brands or their clients’ organisation, which is incredibly important to me. Thank you to the support from the judging panel, our wonderful clients, Labyrinth team, friends and Ade at Women in Marketing for this fantastic recognition.”

Congratulations to all the other nominees and winners, we look forward to staying connected and seeing your achievements continue to grow in the coming year.


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