Who we help
Brand Managers and Marketing Teams, how does brand planning work in your organisation? The long hours, locking yourself away from distractions, the data crunching, PowerPoint formatting, deadlines to present internally and gain buy in… all whilst still delivering your in-year plans.
Fancy doing something different this time around? And ‘refreshing’ your process and putting the joy and passion back into it?
Our Brand Planning Refreshed resource, training and mentoring support ensures you can create an outstanding, commercially-robust strategy to grow your brand.
What we do
We provide you with additional resource and expertise during your brand planning process to identify and deliver growth opportunities for your brand.
Together, we will stretch thinking, creatively inspire and empower your marketing function to drive innovation.
We up-skill your team by sharing new innovative approaches and techniques that they can use in the future.
By setting objectives, facilitating workshops, sharing tools & techniques, crunching data and mining insight (plus all other admin), our infectious passion for the strategic process will keep your brand planning on track – on time and within budget.
Why we do it
We know having lived it…
Long-term brand planning is critical to setting out your growth plans but can be repetitive, complex, time-consuming, stressful and arduous. As experienced client-side marketers, we’ve been there – we get how painful it can be but we’ve now got a fantastic process to share with you that delivers commercial results.